Jaehyung Kim


I am a research engineer at CryptoLab. I am currently interested in cryptography, especially fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). Since joining CryptoLab in 2021, I have been developing and maintaining the HEaaN library and actively engaging in academic research on fully homomorphic encryption.

I will be starting a computer science PhD program at Stanford University from this fall.


Jun 28, 2024 Our recent work Grafting: Complementing RNS in CKKS is now on eprint.
May 30, 2024 The paper Bootstrapping Bits with CKKS was presented by Dr. Damien Stehlé at Eurocrypt 2024.
Jan 26, 2024 Our recent work Simpler and Faster BFV Bootstrapping for Arbitrary Plaintext Modulus from CKKS is now on eprint.
Nov 27, 2023 I presented our work Homomorphic Multiple Precision Multiplication for CKKS and Reduced Modulus Consumption at ACM CCS 2023.
Nov 2, 2023 I presented about ring packing and the HERMES paper at FHE.org. See this link for details, including a video recording and slides.